A field experiment was conducted at Birsa Agriculture University, Research Farm, Western Section, Kanke, Ranchi during the 2011 and 2012
kharif season to evaluate different components of system of rice intensification principles on growth parameters, yield attributes, yield and economics of rice on clay loam soil in
eastern plateau & eastern ghat
of India. To assess the contribution of each component of SRI. The experiment was planned with eight treatments {(T
1: use of 8-12 day old seedlings, one seedling transplanting at a spacing of 25 cm x 25 cm, weed management with conoweeder (4 times), saturation of water management, and use of (75%) inorganic along with (25%) organic, T
2: T
1 with 3 seedlings per hill (instead of one seedling), T
3: T
1 with 21 day old seedlings(instead of 12 day old seedlings), T
4: T
1 with 20 x 10 cm spacing (instead of 25 x 25 cm spacing), T
5: T
1 with only inorganic source of nutrient (instead of organic + inorganic), T
6: T
1 with herbicide + manual weeding 40DAT (instead of conoweeding), T
7: T
1 with 5±2 cm standing water during crop growth (instead of saturation water management), and T
8: Conventional transplanting (21 day old nursery; spacing of 20 cm x 15 cm; 3 seedlings/hill with 5±2 cm standing water during crop growth) were tested in three times replicated RBD. Rice crop grown with all six principles of SRI recorded significantly higher plant height (118.4cm), total tiller per meter
2 (339), leaf area index (3.5) dry matter accumulation ( g /m
2), crop growth rate (g/m
2/day), number of panicle per meter
2 (272),
1000 grain weight (29.9g),
Panicle length (26.8cm), Panicle weight (4.6g), number of filled grains per panicle (139), number of unfilled grains per panicle (28) and improved grain yield and straw yield was 33.3%, 28.3% and 23.6%,18.9% higher under all six principles of SRI compared to SRI with 21 days old seedling and conventional transplanting. Due to lower cost of production and higher yields, all six principles of SRI fetched higher net returns over old aged seedling.