Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 6, Issue 5 (2017)
Mid storage invigouration – An attempt to extend seed vigour and viability in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merill]
Shivasharanappa S Patil, Doddagoudar SR, Rakesh C Mathad, Vijaykumar Kurnalliker and Patil RP
A storage experiment was carried out to extend the longevity of soybean seeds through mid storage seed invigoration technique by following moist sand conditioning-soaking-drying method in five months old seeds in the Department of Seed Science and Technology, UAS, Raichur, Karnataka, India. The experiment consisted of nine treatments using different salts and botanicals
viz., T
1: control; T
2: Water, T
3: NaCl (10
-3M), T
4: KI (10
-3 M), T
5: Na
4 (10
-3 M), T
6: Iodine (0.1%), T
7: CaCl
20 (1%), T
8: pongamia leaf extract (1%) and T
9: custard apple leaf extract (1%). From the experiment it was found that various salts and botanicals effectively reduced the physiological deterioration during subsequent storage period under ambient environmental conditions compared to control. Among the treatments, Iodine (0.1 %), water and CaCl
20 (1%) shown great promise in extending the storage potential of soybean seeds by an extra one month by registering higher germination values (74.63, 73.13 and 72.88 %, respectively) compared to control (67.38 %), possibly by acting as a free radical scavenger that prevent propagation of radical during peroxidation of lipids. Since the availability of water to the farmers is more economical, it can also be used in extending the storage potential for another one month instead of iodine and CaCl
Pages: 1454-1459 | 1768 Views 563 Downloads
Shivasharanappa S Patil, Doddagoudar SR, Rakesh C Mathad, Vijaykumar Kurnalliker and Patil RP. Mid storage invigouration – An attempt to extend seed vigour and viability in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merill]. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2017;6(5):1454-1459.