Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 6, Issue 5 (2017)
Evaluation of SSR and INDEL markers associated with high and low oleic acid content in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) genotypes
Tilak IS, Kisan B and Shanker Goud I
Sunflower is one of the most important oilseed crops due to high oxidative stability of its oil with high oleic acid content. The fatty acid composition of sunflower oil is: palmitic acid (SFA): 5-8 per cent, stearic acid (SFA) 4-6 per cent, oleic acid (MUFA) omega-9 (18:1): 25-30 per cent, lenoleic acid (PUFA) omega-6 (18:2): 60-72 per cent. The mutation was associated with Oleoyl-phosphatidylcholine desaturase (
ODS) duplications that led to silencing of the
ODS gene. As a result of silencing of the
ODS gene resulted in accumulation of high oleic acid in seed. In this study two parents i.e 103A (female), 64NB (Male) and RSFH-1 (Hybrid) were evaluated during 2015-16 at Main agricultural research station, UAS, Raichur. For the purpose of genotyping the sunflower lines for high oleic acid content. We have used molecular markers that is associated with high oleic acid trait, i.e SSR and INDEL HO PCR specific fragment marker were chosen, isolated DNA, carried out PCR separately using five SSR and 6 INDEL markers and sequencing of all three genotypes. The results showed that high oleic containing parent and hybrid expressed a specific SSR band at 807bp for (103A) and 749 bp (RSFH-1) and in case of INDELs, PCR specific fragments was obtained at 618bp for (103A), 766bp for (RSFH-1), 1500bp for (103A) and another 1500bp length for (RSFH-1). The results of this work allowed for validation of one SSR (N1-3F/ N1-3R) out of five and two INDEL (F4/ R1 and F4/ R2) DNA markers out of six in sunflower genotypes for high oleic acid trait identification.
Pages: 1560-1563 | 1872 Views 530 Downloads
Tilak IS, Kisan B and Shanker Goud I. Evaluation of SSR and INDEL markers associated with high and low oleic acid content in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) genotypes. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2017;6(5):1560-1563.