Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 6, Issue 5 (2017)
Papaya ring spot disease management: A review
SU Chalak, SN Hasbnis and VS Supe
Papaya Ring Spot Virus (PRSV) is one of the major obstacle for boosting papaya production in the country. Until now there is no absolute curative control measure available through conventional methods. Precautionary measures for PRSV incidence
viz. rouging, cross protection, vector controls etc. are not much helpful. The, transgenic (GM) papaya varieties
viz. Rainbow and SunUp were developed at Hawai in 1998. However, in the present scenario, in countries like India where there is legal restrictions on research on genetically modified (GM) food crops, introgression of the PRSV-P resistance gene into
C. papaya from its wild relatives (species of
Vasconcellea) is the one of the optimistic option available with researchers.
Pages: 1911-1914 | 2942 Views 1318 Downloads
SU Chalak, SN Hasbnis and VS Supe. Papaya ring spot disease management: A review. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2017;6(5):1911-1914.