Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 6, Issue 5 (2017)
Correlation studies in Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) as influenced by organic and inorganic nutrients
Basavaraj Dalawai and B Hemla Naik
Influence of eleven different combinations of organic and inorganic sources of nutrient with biofertilizers on Carnation (
Dianthus caryophyllus L.) were studied. Relation between inorganic nutrients (NPK) with vegetative and flowering traits were analyzed to understand the association between vegetative characters and nutrients to flower yield. Flower yield per square meter showed highly significant association with plant height, number of branches, plant spread, leaf area, dry matter production and total chlorophyll content. Correlation between nitrogen with plant height, number of branches, plant spread, internodal length, leaf area, dry matter production, total chlorophyll content, stalk length, stalk girth, yield and vase life were highly significant. Potassium was found highly significant with flower bud initiation, flower bud diameter, yield and vase life, which found significant association with stalk length, stalk girth and flower diameter. Negative correlation was seen between flower bud initiation and all flowering parameters with nitrogen and phosphorus. Whereas, the nutrient status of soil with biofertilizers exhibited positive and highly significant correlation with yield and vase life of flowers.
Pages: 2100-2102 | 1425 Views 321 Downloads
Basavaraj Dalawai and B Hemla Naik. Correlation studies in Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) as influenced by organic and inorganic nutrients. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2017;6(5):2100-2102.