Geetha GP, Prabhudev Dhumgond, Shruti Y, Ramakrishna Parama VR and Sathish A
The present study was undertaken to characterize soils in Giddadapalya micro watershed, Tumkur District, located in the Southern dry zone of Karnataka. Cadastral map at 1:7920 scale was used as base map for the study. The satellite image along with toposheet was used for delineation of land forms and physiographic units. Horizon wise soil samples were collected from nineteen pedons and analyzed for important physical and chemical properties. The detailed soil characterization resulted in six soil series and twenty soil phases, which were evaluated for land capability classification and land suitability. Land capability classification was determined for these twenty soil phases which indicated LCC II classes with erosion and soil limitation. These soils had none to slight limitations with respect to slope, erosion, drainage, depth, texture, coarse fragments, CaCO
3, pH and organic carbon. The soil pH ranged from neutral to slightly alkaline. The soils were non saline and all pedons exhibited irregular trend in electrical conductivity. The organic carbon content ranged from medium to high. The distribution of exchangeable bases in soil exchange complex were in the order of Ca > Mg > Na> K like 14.4>12.2>0.56>0.12 meq/100g soil. The cation exchange capacity in this micro watershed varied from 14 to 54 c mol(p
+ )/kg. The land suitability for major agriculture crops like finger millet, red gram, groundnut, castor and marigold and the database was used for suggesting appropriate cropping system suitable for the location, there by utilizing the land resource for the best suited crop. The agriculture crops such as finger millet, red gram, groundnut, castor and marigold are highly suitable for major part of Giddadapalya Micro watershed. Similarly the major horticulture crops such as Mango, Sapota, guava are highly suitable for major part of the micro watershed. Mango, Sapota and arecanut was suitable for 69.09 % area and coconut were suited for 72.05 % area.
Geetha GP, Prabhudev Dhumgond, Shruti Y, Ramakrishna Parama VR and Sathish A. Study of Land Evaluation in Giddadapalya Microwatershed, Tumkur District. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2017;6(5):2123-2130.