Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 6, Issue 5 (2017)
Study on yield and yield attributes of maize as affected by application of different herbicides
Vikram Singh, Ankush, Mehar Chand and SS Punia
A field experiment was conducted at Regional Research station (RRS), Karnal, Haryana (India) during spring season. Field was randomized block design and comprises of eighteen treatments of different herbicides with or without combination. Highest yield attributes
i.e. cob length, cob placement height, number of seed rows per cob, number of grain per cob, 100 grain weight, grain weight per cob, cob yield with or without husk, grain yield and stove yield were recorded with alachlor 2000 g ha
-1 as PRE
fb tembotrione 120 g ha
-1 + S (T
11), being at par with atrazine 750 g ha
-1 as PRE
fb tembotrione 120 g ha
-1 + S (T
14), tembotrione 140 g ha
-1 + surfactant 1000 ml ha
-1 (T
10), tembotrione 120 g ha
-1 + surfactant 1000 ml ha
-1 (T
9) over weedy check. Number of cobs per plant, shelling percentage and harvest index were found non-significant with the herbicidal application.
Pages: 2328-2332 | 2457 Views 1186 Downloads
Vikram Singh, Ankush, Mehar Chand and SS Punia. Study on yield and yield attributes of maize as affected by application of different herbicides. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2017;6(5):2328-2332.