In vivo efficacy of
Dactylaria brochopaga against root-knot nematode,
Meloidogyne incognita on brinjal was studied. The observations on predacity test of
D. brochopaga against J2 of
Meloidogyne incognita showed that J2 trapping increased with the increase in J2 population and the exposure time allowed for trapping in culture being maximum at 96 hours of exposure period. while studying the effect of
D. brochopaga in combination with various organic manures, the observations on plant height and root length showed increase in length significantly in all the treatments in comparison to the inoculated, uninoculated and treated check with minimum in inoculated check, 16.00 and 3.62 followed by treated check 18.50 and 7.50, 18.00 and 6.00 in T3, 17.75 and 7.00 in T1, 17.62 and 6.87 in T2, 17.25 and 6.50 in T4, 17.00 and 6.87 in T5 respectively in descending order. The reproduction parameters of
Meloidogyne incognita on brinjal i.e. Nematode population in root and soil, eggs/ plant, total nematode population and multiplication factor significant decreased in all the treatments over the inoculated check where as significant increase was observed over the treated check. The nematode population in root and soil, egg / plant, total nematode population and nematode multiplication factor was highest (121.75, 1198.00, 8642.50, 9962.25, and 6.64) in inoculated check followed by 52.25, 188.25, 3182.00, 3422.50 and 2.28 in T5, 41.25, 182.75, 1639.50, 2163.00 and 1.44 in T2 46.75, 162.00, 1879.00, 2087.75 and 1.39 in T4, 48.50, 156.75, 1836.75, 2042.00 and 1.36 in T3, 42.50, 183.25, 1774.25, 2000.00 and 1.33 in T1 with the minimum 26.50, 122.00, 1345.50, 1494.00 and 0.99 in treated check (T8) respectively in descending order.