Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 6, Issue 5 (2017)
Ways to bridge yield gaps and production problems in pigeonpea cropping systems
Umesha C, Sridhara CJ, Kumarnaik AH and Shivarajkumar HS
Redgram is the second most important pulse crop in India. India stands first in area (3.63 m ha) and production (2.76 m t). It accounts 20 per cent of total pulse production of the country. As ‘dal’, pigeonpea is an important constituent of the Indian meal. It contains 21 per cent protein and is rich source of energy in vegetarian’s diet. Over 90 % of the global pigeonpea is grown in India. The major pigeonpea growing states are Maharashtra, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh. In various agro-climatic regions, different maturity group (long, medium and short duration) of pigeonpea are grown. Long duration (250-280 days) varieties are grown in north eastern plains zone where as medium maturity variety (160-180 days) in central India and south India short duration (130-150 days) are grown in north western region under different cropping system. In the last two decades, the area under long duration pigeonpea has considerably reduced where as there is significant increase in area under medium and short duration varieties. The major constraints to low productivity of pigeonpea are in adequate availability of seeds of improved varieties, biotic and abiotic stresses and poor crop management. seed treatment with Rhizobium + PSB is beneficial to get higher yield, ridge sowing/planting method gives higher grain yield and helps in overcoming the Phytophtora blight during water logging and avoids wilt disease. Sowing before 15
th July helps in getting higher yields by avoiding heavy infestation of insect pests, pre-emergence application of pendimethalin @ 1.00 kg a.i. ha
-1 + One HW at 50 DAS controls weeds and given higher pigeonpea grain yield. The purpose of this is to examine the literature reports that what are all the ways to fill the yield gap between traditional and modern practices which are very much play an important role in minimizing the constraints in cropping systems and achieved sustainable yield level in Pigeonpea crop.
Pages: 2651-2657 | 2204 Views 805 Downloads
Umesha C, Sridhara CJ, Kumarnaik AH and Shivarajkumar HS. Ways to bridge yield gaps and production problems in pigeonpea cropping systems. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2017;6(5):2651-2657.