Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 6, Issue 5 (2017)
A new method to increase callus induction and plant regeneration from mature embryo of wheat
Anju Sharma, Sudhir Sharma and Amit Kaushik
Callus cultures were initiated on MS medium supplemented with 7mg/
l 2,4-D+0.2 mg/1 NAA from mature embryos of nontreated, non-endosperm supported (NS) and nontreated, 30 kR and 35 kR gamma irradiated endosperm supported mature embryos (ES, 30 kR, ES and 35 kR, ES). Callus initiation took place within 2 days after inoculation from ES system (ES, 30 kR and 35 kR, ES) while it took 6 days in NS system. Callusing was highest in NS mature embryos (79.9%) among the all [ES (72.2%), 30 kR, ES (76.3%) and 35 kR, ES (74.7%)]. After 10 days the developed calli were transferred to MS+5mg// 2,4-D medium and subcultured at every two week interval for 5 months. Regeneration took place within 6 days in all types of calli on MS+0.1 mg/
l NAA medium. Regeneration was best in 30 kR, ES embryo derived calli (88.4%) among the all [NS (83.2%), ES (70.5%) and 30 kR, ES (76.9%) Healthy and well developed regenerated plants were transferred to soil in pots. Survival was 80 percent. Gamma irradiation exhibited positive effect for callusing as well as regcnaration.
Pages: 2658-2661 | 1701 Views 357 Downloads
Anju Sharma, Sudhir Sharma and Amit Kaushik. A new method to increase callus induction and plant regeneration from mature embryo of wheat. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2017;6(5):2658-2661.