Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 6, Issue 6 (2017)
Assessment of soil nutrients and recommendation of balanced fertilizers for enhancing crop productivity using remote sensing and GIS
Shruti Y, Praveen GS, Geetha GP, Sathish A, and Ramakrishna Parama VR
Soil test based fertility management for best suited crops can be used as an effective tool for enhanced productivity and crop production. The present study focussed on mapping spatial variability of soil nutrients. Soil samples were collected at 250 m grid spacing, analysed for soil reaction, salinity, organic carbon, major, secondary and micro nutrients at laboratory using standard methods. The data generated was processed in Arc-GIS platform to develop a database. Geostatistical analyst tool was used and kriging interpolation technique was adopted. The analysed data was interpolated to obtain a raster surface from points (grid points) to generate fertility maps using Arc-GIS. Fertilizer recommendations can be made for the crops to enhance their productivity. Soil test based application of balanced fertilizers would go a long way in enhancing soil fertility and productivity.
Pages: 137-141 | 2025 Views 436 Downloads
Shruti Y, Praveen GS, Geetha GP, Sathish A, and Ramakrishna Parama VR. Assessment of soil nutrients and recommendation of balanced fertilizers for enhancing crop productivity using remote sensing and GIS. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2017;6(6):137-141.