Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 6, Issue 6 (2017)
Effect of lemongrass powder on proximate and phytochemical content of herbal cookies
Thorat PP, Sawate AR, Patil BM and Kshirsagar RB
Lemon grass (
Cymbopogon citratus) is a perennial grass belonging to family
Graminaceae and grouped under genus
Cymbopogon. In this study, the herbal cookies were prepared by incorporating lemongrass powder at 1, 3 and 5% level. The proximate and phytochemical analysis of fresh lemongrass leaves were analyzed. The effect of drying on proximate and phytochemical composition were also determined. The moisture, fat and fiber content were found decreased while protein, carbohydrate and ash content were increased. The phytochemical constituents get reduced when subjected to cabinet drying. The herbal cookies were found to increase in proximate composition with increase in level of lemongrass powder. The herbal cookies contain alkaloid (0.27%), saponin (0.20%), tannin (0.16%), steroids (0.10%), phenols (0.08%) and flavonoids (0.28%) in sensorially selected sample. The sample with 3% lemongrass powder was found to be highly acceptable over other sample. The required daily dose of was about 0.7 mg/kg of bodyweight/day.
Pages: 155-159 | 5932 Views 2805 Downloads
Thorat PP, Sawate AR, Patil BM and Kshirsagar RB. Effect of lemongrass powder on proximate and phytochemical content of herbal cookies. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2017;6(6):155-159.