Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 6, Issue 6 (2017)
Adoption of recommended maize production technology among the farmers of Balrampur district of Chhattisgarh state
Roshan Kumar Gupta, Ajay Prkash Gabel and Dr. JP Srivastava
A study on adoption of recommended maize production technology among the farmer of Balrampur-ramanujganj district (C. G.) was out during 2016-17. By following the simple random sampling. 120 respondent were selected from 6 village of Balrampur block. The data was elicited through personal interview method. The study reported that there was higher adoption in insect pest management i. e. 50.00 per cent, majority of the respondent i. e. 66.67 per cent were having medium level of adoption about maize production technology, this might be due to easy availability of inputs and better Socio-economic status as well as adequate knowledge about these particular practices. Extension personnel and agriculture scientist might have enhanced this through regular visit, training and guidance.
Pages: 310-311 | 1913 Views 320 Downloads
Roshan Kumar Gupta, Ajay Prkash Gabel and Dr. JP Srivastava. Adoption of recommended maize production technology among the farmers of Balrampur district of Chhattisgarh state. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2017;6(6):310-311.