Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 6, Issue 6 (2017)
Co-inoculation effect of Glomus macrocarpum and fluorescent pseudomonads on the population density of mycorrhiza in chilli rhizosphere
Ramesha V and Dr. VP Savalgi
In plant mycorrhizal association, AMF has been shown to be beneficial to the host plant by increasing nutrient uptake particularly N, P, K. Certain plant growth promoting rhizomicroorganisms has been reported to enhance the activity of AM fungi and consequently plant growth. Hence an experiment was conducted in a green house study with plant growth promoting Pseudomonas and AM fungi by using byadagi dabbi variety of chilli. The enhanced activity by rhizosphere microbial population such as phosphate solubilizers and nitrogen fixers in rhizosphere soil was observed. The fluorescent pseudomonads and AM fungi are known to produce certain plant metabolites, plant growth promoting substances, vitamins. The mutual interactions of inoculated organisms was responsible for the increased activity of microflora and enzyme activity in rhizosphere. However, among the treatments the highest spore count was observed in the treatment which inoculated with
Glomus macrocarpum and Fluorescent pseudomonads supplied with 50% rock phosphate at flowering and harvesting respectively.
Pages: 423-425 | 1781 Views 308 Downloads
Ramesha V and Dr. VP Savalgi. Co-inoculation effect of Glomus macrocarpum and fluorescent pseudomonads on the population density of mycorrhiza in chilli rhizosphere. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2017;6(6):423-425.