Investigation on “Effect of pinching and plant growth regulators on growth, flowering, yield and quality of African marigold (
Tagetes erecta L.) cv. Calcutta Orange†was carried out during October, 2015 to February, 2016. The field experiments were carried out to find the effect of two levels of pinching
i.e., no pinching and pinching and different plant growth regulators
viz., GA
3 at 200 ppm, NAA at 60 ppm, CCC at 1000 ppm and TIBA at 1000 ppm. Among the growth regulators, benefit cost ratio was found to be maximum in GA
3 followed by NAA and CCC and minimum benefit cost ratio was found in TIBA. Among pinching, pinching had highest benefit cost ratio compared to unpinched plants, among the interactions, benefit cost ratio was found to be maximum and positive in G
1, G
1and minimum for control G
0.The experiment can be concluded that pinching of apical bud and foliar spray of GA
3 at 200 ppm independently gave higher yield, better quality flowers with maximum benefit in African marigold cv. Calcutta Orange.
Anuradha RW, Sateesh RP, Kulakarni BS and Shankar Meti. Effect of Growth regulators and pinching on Economics with cost benefit ratio for commercial cultivation of marigold cv. Calcutta Orange. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2017;6(6):517-519.