The present study was conducted to isolate efficient
Trichoderma species which not only are being used for the management of plant diseases but also for increasing the production of vegetables. Twenty isolates of
Trichoderma viz., AT1, AT2, AT3, AT4, AT5, AT6, AT7, BT1, BT2, BT3, BT4, BT5, BT6, BT7, BT8, BT9, BT10, BT11, BT12, BT13 were isolated from various commercial and kitchen gardens of chilli from district Anantnag and Baramulla of Kashmir valley. Among
Trichoderma isolates, AT3 was found best in almost all the biochemical tests and characterized as
Trichoderma harzianum. Among various substrates viz., charcoal, ash, sawdust, cowdung, vermicompost, maize seeds, wheat seeds, paddy seeds, dal weed and talc used for mass multiplication of
Trichoderma harzianum, maximum growth was retained on maize seeds and wheat seeds with 38×10
7 cfu/g, followed by cowdung (37.5×10
7) and talc (37×10
cfu/gram of formulation. Maximum growth was retained at 10°C in comparison with 20 and 30°C. Among supplements molasses was found to be the best compared to yeast extract and glycerol. It is concluded from the present study that
Trichoderma isolate (AT3) isolated from commercial field of Bangidhar Anantnag retains maximum cfu on maize seeds at 10°C and by using molasses as a supplement.