Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 6, Issue 6 (2017)
Agri-preneurial avenues for women micro entrepreneurship development in Kashmir Valley
Poonam Sharma and Monica Reshi
Agriculture is the backbone for any country’s economic development. Rural women in Jammu And Kashmir State are extensively involved in different types of agricultural activities. Women play a significant role in the state are transplantation, weeding, threshing, collecting fodder, poultry goat rearing, sheep rearing and other livestock raising vegetables and kitchen gardening and post harvest activities. A sample of 100 women belonging to 4 different villages of Srinagar District were selected by using random sampling technique with the objective of entrepreneurial activities preferred by Kashmir farmwomen in various agri-allied areas for income generation skills. It was observed that farm women are interested in acquiring agri-preneurial skills in order to improve their economic status, standard of living and entrepreneurship development.
Pages: 663-664 | 1539 Views 286 Downloads
Poonam Sharma and Monica Reshi. Agri-preneurial avenues for women micro entrepreneurship development in Kashmir Valley. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2017;6(6):663-664.