Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 6, Issue 6 (2017)
Studies on multiple correlation between bulb yield, growth and yield attributes in different genotypes of onion (Allium cepa L.) under Allahabad agro-climactic condition
Gaurav Srivastav, Balaji Vikram and VM Prasad
The comprised twenty genotypes evaluated for growth and yield component in the rabi season of onion. The investigation was laid out in RBD with three replications. There were 20 genotypes wide variation was observed among the genotypes for all traits. Results revealed that the genotype cv. Agrifound Dark Red resulted in higher yield, better size of Bulb and stand promising for cultivation under agro-economic condition of Uttar Pradesh. The maximum heritability percent was reported for Length of Leaves and Diameter of Bulb (0.96) followed by Plant Height (0.96). High genetic advance was reported for Dry Weight of Bulb (22.77) followed by Fresh Weight of Bulb (22.65), however the maximum genetic advance as percent of mean was reported for Diameter of Bulb (49.87) and Dry Weight of Bulb (40.50). High heritability coupled with high genetic advance was observed for fresh weight and dry weight. Bulb have positive significant correlation with fresh weight and dry weight both phenotypic and genotypic level. There for these characters should be given priority cheekily during selection for genetic improvement of onion. Maximum yield of onion, gross return, net return and cost: benefit ratio (1:10.76) were obtained in the Agri Found Light Red.
Pages: 793-798 | 1618 Views 389 Downloads
Gaurav Srivastav, Balaji Vikram and VM Prasad. Studies on multiple correlation between bulb yield, growth and yield attributes in different genotypes of onion (Allium cepa L.) under Allahabad agro-climactic condition. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2017;6(6):793-798.