Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 6, Issue 6 (2017)
Integrated effect of organic manures and inorganic fertilizers on growth, yield and yield attributes of Radish CV. Kalyanpur safed
Umesh Kumar Verma, Rajeev Kumar, Anil Kumar, Sanjeev Kumar and Manoj Kumar Prajapati
A field experiment was conducted in the Department of Horticulture, Janta College Bakewar, Etawah (C.S.J.M. University, Kanpur) during 2013-14, to evaluate the integrated effect of various levels of organic manures and inorganic fertilizers on growth, yield and yield attributes of Radish
cv. Kalyanpur Safed. 10 treatments were taken up along with control. Plant height, number of leaves, length and width of leaves, leaf area at various growth stages increased with increasing levels of organic manures and inorganic fertilizers as compared to control. Length of root, diameters of root, weight of root and leaf, total weight plant
-1, yield plot
-1, yield q ha
-1 were also found increasing with increasing levels of organic manures and inorganic fertilizers.
Pages: 826-828 | 1957 Views 652 Downloads
Umesh Kumar Verma, Rajeev Kumar, Anil Kumar, Sanjeev Kumar and Manoj Kumar Prajapati. Integrated effect of organic manures and inorganic fertilizers on growth, yield and yield attributes of Radish CV. Kalyanpur safed. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2017;6(6):826-828.