Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 6, Issue 6 (2017)
Ethnobotanical tribal practices for mosquito repellency followed by people of north India
Prathyusha Kantheti and Alapati Padma
Mosquitoes are small flies that belong to the family Culicidae. Most of the female mosquitoes are ectoparasites which depend on human blood and are responsible for spreading of dangerous diseases like malaria, dengue fever, chikungunya, zika virus and other diseases. Mosquito repellents are substances which help in preventing mosquito bites. No of repellents are available in the market in different forms like sprays, lotions, roll-ons, coils, dup sticks, repellent liquids, lamps etc. Before the availability of repellents in market, traditional practices are well known to repel mosquitoes. Till date many tribes and villagers still follow traditional practices using leaves, roots, bark, flowers from many plants in one or other way to repel mosquitoes. The present paper reviews the tribal medicinal practices that were followed by people of North India for mosquito repellency. The present study of review on ethno botanical practices for mosquito repellency revealed that people of North India depend on Holy basil, Sweet basil, Neem and five leaved chaste tree for mosquito repellency.
Pages: 942-944 | 2355 Views 961 Downloads
Prathyusha Kantheti and Alapati Padma. Ethnobotanical tribal practices for mosquito repellency followed by people of north India. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2017;6(6):942-944.