Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 6, Issue 6 (2017)
Influence of packaging material on quality characteristics of minimally processed Bhagwa Pomegranate arils during storage
Dhineshkumar V, D Ramasamy and TR Pugazhenthi
This study investigated the effect of packaging materials (Poly propylene, low density poly ethylene and Xtend bags) with different water and gas transmission rate on minimally processed ‘Bhagwa’ pomegranate arils stored at 5 ± 2
ºC and 85 ± 5 % RH for 15 days. During course of storage, phytochemical and antioxidant properties of minimally processed arils were determined at 3 days interval. The results indicated that packaging material influenced ascorbic acid, phenols, anthocyanins, antioxidant and sensory score of minimally processed arils. Arils packed in Xtend bags retained better total phenols, anthocyanins, total phenols, ascorbic acid and antioxidant compared to LDPE and PP packed arils. Among tested packaging materials, Xtend film maintained better quality characteristics of minimally processed arils up to 18 days storage period.
Pages: 1042-1046 | 1821 Views 555 Downloads
Dhineshkumar V, D Ramasamy and TR Pugazhenthi. Influence of packaging material on quality characteristics of minimally processed Bhagwa Pomegranate arils during storage. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2017;6(6):1042-1046.