The objective of the study is to investigate proximate analysis and sensory evaluation of effect of beetroot when blended with jamun juice at different level of combinations. The investigation comprises of three treatments, T
1 = 75% beetroot juice + 25% jamun juice, T
2 = 50% beetroot juice + 50% jamun juice, T
3 = 25% beetroot juice + 75% jamun juice and T
0 = 100% beetroot juice (i.e. control). The data collected on different aspects were tabulated and analysed statistically using method of variance and critical difference. Proximate analysis was carried out to ascertain the extend of variation in (moisture, crude protein, crude fat, crude fibre, ash and carbohydrate). Sensory evaluation (flavour and aroma, colour and appearance, mouth feel and taste and overall acceptability) were done by using 9 point hedonic scale. According to the analysis of treatments, T
1 was found to be best among the treatments and can be rated as T
3. The juice can be used as valuable ingredients for the production of health beverage with all the important properties and medicinal characteristics.
Raziya Ansari, Shiv B Singh, Prafull Kumar and AA Broadway. Proximate and sensory analysis of beetroot (Beta vulgaris) and Jamun (Syzygium cumini) juice blended drink. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2017;6(6):1280-1283.