Mustard is commonly known as Sarson and valuable for its oil while black mustard is also used as a spice. It is second most important oil seed crop in India next to soybean. Average yield losses occur due to various pest and diseases among which
Alternaria blight is an important disease. Hence, a trial was conducted at crop research farm, School of Basic Sciences, SHUATS, Allahabad during
Kharif, 2016 to observe the impact of bio-agents and botanicals as foliar sprays along with incorporation of different manure in replications on mustard blight. The treatments were
Trichoderma harzianum 10%,
Trichoderma viride 10%,
Pseudomonas flourescens 10%, Neem oil 10%, Eucalyptus oil 10%,
Terminalia arjuna bark extract,
Oscimum sanctum leaf extract 10% and control (water irrigated).
The results showed that treatments
T. viride (38.92%) and Neem oil (40.89%) were most suited to lower the disease intensity followed by Eucalyptus oil (43.12%),
T. harzianum (44.25%),
Oscimum sanctum leaf extract (49.04%),
Terminalia arjuna bark extract (49.34%),
Pseudomonas flourescens (50.90%) and Control (54.72). It was also found that cost benefit ratio was maximized in treatment
T. viride (1: 3.62) and
Neem oil (1: 3.54) with least expenditure.