Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 6, Issue 6 (2017)
Study the effect of ripening agent(s) on colour changes in the fruit of Dashehari mangoes during ripening at ambient condition
Pramila Kumari, Shalini Pilania, DK Sarolia, SS Lakhawat, LN Mahawer and Manisha Jangir
The effect of ripening agent(s) on colour changes of Dashehari mango (
Mangifera indica) fruits during ripening was examined. Physiological mature fruits were given different treatment of ripening agent(s) @ (T
0) without treatment (T
1) ethephon (T
2) dried plash leaves (T
3)Wet Kachnar leaves, (T
4) Wet Amaltas leaves, (T
5) wheat straw, (T
6) Rice straw, (T
7) Newspaper, (T
8) White paper, (T
9) Tissue Paper, (T
10) Brown paper bag, (T
11) Wheat grain, (T
12) Jute bag, (T
13) Cadamom for six days. Treated fruit were packed in CFB boxes placed at ambient conditions for ripening. Fruit peel colour was determined daily till six days till fruits were ripened after ripening treatment using hunter lab scale. Results revealed that all ripening agent(s) treatments enhanced colour development as compared to control. The luminosity of peel increased with increase in ripening period. The greenness of peel as reflected by ‘a value decreased with ripening treatments and period. However the fruit peel developed yellowish colour with treatment of ripening agent(s) as evidenced increase in value of ‘b’. The effect of ripening agent(s) on colour changes b, hue, chroma was highest in T
7 (newspaper) while L and a was highest in T
1 (ethphon) significantly during ripening period.
Pages: 1853-1856 | 1548 Views 486 Downloads
Pramila Kumari, Shalini Pilania, DK Sarolia, SS Lakhawat, LN Mahawer and Manisha Jangir. Study the effect of ripening agent(s) on colour changes in the fruit of Dashehari mangoes during ripening at ambient condition. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2017;6(6):1853-1856.