Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 6, Issue 6 (2017)
Gene action studies for yield and its attributing traits in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) under Kashmir conditions
Asima Amin, Kouser Parveen Wani and Pradeep Kumar
Nature of gene action for ten important characters of tomato viz., days to first fruit set, days to first picking, plant height (cm), number of primary branches per plant, fruit size (cm
2), flesh thickness (mm), number of fruits per plant, average fruit weight (g), fruit yield per plant (kg) and number of locules were determined by analyzing 10x 10 diallel population. The nature of gene action determined from two biometrical methods matched well and it appeared that the characters were under the control of both fixable and non-fixable gene effects, with the non-fixable gene effects with gene interactions being more important. Diallel analysis revealed low to moderate narrow sense heritability estimates suggested non-additive gene action. Non-significant value of t² along with non-significant deviation of regression coefficient from unity in all environment as well as in pooled data revealed the absence of epistasis in all traits.
Pages: 1859-1861 | 1318 Views 291 Downloads
Asima Amin, Kouser Parveen Wani and Pradeep Kumar. Gene action studies for yield and its attributing traits in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) under Kashmir conditions. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2017;6(6):1859-1861.