Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 6, Issue 6 (2017)
Digital aids: Transfer of technologies for dissemination of agricultural information
Prithviraj Patil, Yamgar Sambhaji V, Kumbhar Atul V and Kamble Sushil G
This study reveals the application of digital technologies for disseminating of agricultural information in rural and urban areas. In this technology which includes use of TV, Call centres, Mobile phones, Community radio, Digital photography, video conferencing, Web portals, video, Internet enabled computer centres. Among of them TV disseminate information regarding critical farming practices relevant to season, scheme of government, advertisement on new product, commodity prices in different market. Call centre provide the answers on specific quires from the expert related information regarding farm practices, Digital photography reveals the information regarding plant management advise based on digital photo depicting the growth of crop and symptoms of pest and disease attack. The digital picture mailed to experts and advise received through mail. Video and teleconferencing reveals the information on interactive discussions, equation and answer session with experts. Mobile phone disseminate the information mostly on weather, prices of commodity in different market crop and animal advisory services it is paid services available to subscriber mostly as text message or voice mail. Portals vary widely in their contents, regular updates, user friendliness, use of visuals etc. It increasingly provide the generic and dynamic information. Internet enabled computer centres reveals information intermediated through an employee of computer centre. So use of digital technologies is best mediator for dissemination information throughout rural area of country.
Pages: 2126-2127 | 1630 Views 257 Downloads
Prithviraj Patil, Yamgar Sambhaji V, Kumbhar Atul V and Kamble Sushil G. Digital aids: Transfer of technologies for dissemination of agricultural information. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2017;6(6):2126-2127.