Protein Malnutrition is widely recognized as a major health problem. The use of protein-calorie sources of vegetable origin has been proposed a possible solution to this problem. In this regard, soybean has been used in various foods to mitigate the shortage of protein supplies. As the bakery consumption in whole world is very high, soy fortified biscuits will help in increasing intake of protein, fat and calories. The present study was conducted to blend soya bean with wheat at different levels to increase the protein content of biscuits. The different treatments were: T
0 (control with no soy flour), T
1 (30% SF) T
2 (25% SF), T
3 (20% SF), T
4 (15 %SF) and T
5 (10 %SF). Biscuits were evaluated for proximate composition and sensory parameters. In nutrient estimation of biscuits, protein content was maximum(19.25%) in treatment T
1, fat content was highest (17.15%) in treatment T
1, carbohydrate content was found maximum (64.02%) in treatment T
0, and the energy value was highest (464.63Kcal/g) in treatment T
1. Combinations of WF/SF significantly improved (
p<0.05) the nutrient content of the blends when compared to wheat flour alone. The Biscuits with 10% SF scored maximum for all the sensory quality attributes. However the other treatments were also found to be acceptable.