Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Issue 1 (2018)
Constraints faced by agripreneurs and their clients in management and adoption of dairy enterprise activities in Karnataka state
Laxmi Balaganoormath, Sangappa and Dr. KS Kadian
The study was undertaken to delineate constraints perceived in managing the dairy enterprise as well as in getting the service from agripreneurs. Garrett's Ranking Technique (GRT) was used to identify the major constraints. The constraints were studied separately for successful and unsuccessful agripreneurs and their clients. Lack of adequate financial institution in the locality was the financial constraint of successful agripreneurs. Major reason for discontinuance of dairy enterprise by unsuccessful agripreneurs was because of employment received from both public and private sector. Negative attitude of the agripreneurs towards poor families was the top most constraint faced by clients of agripreneurs.
Pages: 102-104 | 2410 Views 542 Downloads
Laxmi Balaganoormath, Sangappa and Dr. KS Kadian. Constraints faced by agripreneurs and their clients in management and adoption of dairy enterprise activities in Karnataka state. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(1):102-104.