Vineet Kumar, RK Naresh, Vipin Kumar Sagar, Kamlesh Kumar Yadav and Praveen Kumar Sagar
A field experiment was conducted during 2013-14 and 2014-15 at Meerut, Uttar Pradesh. The objective of our study was to establish an understanding of how nutrient uptake and wheat yield can be improved and how land configuration and tillage practices can be modified to be more efficient in water use through layering of precision- conservation crop management techniques. The experiment consisting of five tillage practices T
1- Wide raised beds, T
2- Narrow raised beds, T
3- Conventional tillage, T
4- Reduced tillage, T
5- Zero tillage and three treatments viz I
1 –
IW/CPE 0.45
, I
2 -
IW/CPE 0.60, I
3 - IW/CPE 0.75was laid out in split plot design with three replications. Tillage practices influenced the grain yield significantly during both the years of study. During 2013-14 T
1 (wide raised beds) recorded the maximum grains yield (48.96 q ha
-1) and T
2 (narrow raised beds) remained statistically at par with it. Increase in level of moisture content by furrow irrigated raised beds techniques increased the N, P and K uptake from T
5 and formT
1 treatment and with water regime IW/CPE 0.75 (I
3) during both the years of study, respectively.
Vineet Kumar, RK Naresh, Vipin Kumar Sagar, Kamlesh Kumar Yadav and Praveen Kumar Sagar. Effect of tillage practices and water regime on nutrient uptake and yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in Uttar Pradesh. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(1):169-175.