Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Issue 1 (2018)
Effect of monthly rainfall distribution on physico-chemical properties and availability of nutrients in upland red soil of Mirzapur
Alok Patel, Surendra Singh, Ajay Babu, Sudhanshu Verma and Shani Kumar Singh
Investigations were carried out on the Effect of monthly rainfall distribution on physico-chemical properties and availability of nutrients in upland red soil of Mirzapur during 2016. The study was carried out in Rajiv Gandhi South campus Barkachha Mirzapur. Vindhyan hills of Mirzapur district have great diversity in parent-material, topographic situation, natural vegetation, drainage condition etc. The soils of Vindhyan region are residual in natural and formed on different kinds of parent materials under variable topographic and drainage condition. Hence, a comparative study of soil micro-morphological characters, pedological features, micro- macro fauna activities in relation to soil formation of these soil, is of great scientific value as well essential for appraising the fertility status of these soil. The climate of Vindhyan region is predominantly dry (subtropical to dry), winter season is short (December to February) but summer is long (March to October). Five plots were randomly selected for soil sampling at for different month namely: June, July (beginning of rains), August (peak of rains) September and October (end of rains). Soil depths were sampled: 0 to 15 cm at five randomly selected locations. The chemical properties that were mostly influenced by rainfall pattern are soil organic matter, total nitrogen, soil pH, available phosphorus, exchangeable cations (Ca, Mg and K), and cations exchange capacity (CEC). Study further revealed an increase of soil available nitrogen and potassium content in soils and decrease of soil available phosphors and sulphur at all the locations due to rainfall over their corresponding in red soil test values. Rainfall plays a major role in deterioration of soil fertility. The pH and organic Corban have greater influence in availability of nutrients present in soils. Available phosphorus and available sulphur are closely associated with organic matter of soils.
Pages: 424-429 | 2236 Views 479 Downloads
Alok Patel, Surendra Singh, Ajay Babu, Sudhanshu Verma and Shani Kumar Singh. Effect of monthly rainfall distribution on physico-chemical properties and availability of nutrients in upland red soil of Mirzapur. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(1):424-429.