Meenkshi Bai R, Vidyavathi GY, Yadahalli GS, Rudramurthy HV and Rajesh NL
Use of RS and GIS for land resources of Pannur north-3 microwatershed was carried out by using cadastral map (1:50000 scale) as base. Apart from the cadastral map, remote sensing data products from Cartosat-1 PAN imagery (2.5m spatial resolution) merged with Resourcesat-2 LISS IV imagery (5.8 m spatial resolution) were used to identify the landforms and other surface features. Five soil profiles representing the study area were selected based on the topography from various physiographic units identified by field survey. Depth of the soils ranged from moderately deep to very deep, colour varied from dark brown to dark gray. Texture was found to be clay, surface structure was moderate, medium, subangular blocky, whereas in subsurface, the structure ranged from moderate, medium, angular blocky to strong, coarse, angular blocky. Consistency varied from slightly hard to hard, very hard, friable to firm, slightly sticky to very sticky and slightly plastic to very plastic under dry, moist and wet condition, respectively in all the mapping units. The soil reaction (pH)
was moderately alkaline to alkaline, low to medium in EC, organic carbon content was found to be low to medium which ranged between 4.3 to 5.8 g kg
-1, free calcium carbonate (CaCO
3) was moderately calcareous which ranged from 10.7 to 13.2 percent, cation exchange capacity (CEC), ESP and base saturation
ranged from 45.1 to 62.4 (cmol (P
+) kg
1), 7.88 to 8.93 percent, and 91.86
to 94.69
percent, respectively.
Meenkshi Bai R, Vidyavathi GY, Yadahalli GS, Rudramurthy HV and Rajesh NL. Land resource characterization and soil classification of Pannur North-3 microwatershed using RS and GIS in Manvi Taluk, Raichur district. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(1):671-678.