Pantoa is traditional dairy product of the Indian subcontinent. The physico-thermal properties of
Pantoa during sub-baric frying were evaluated at varying temperatures. The
Pantoa balls were fried at 115, 125 and 135 °C for 4, 6 and 8 min at 200 mm Hg vacuum. The average sphericity values of sub-baric fried
Pantoa at 115, 125 and 135 ºC were 0.921, 0.943 and 0.968, respectively. The rate of expansion of
Pantoa increased with increase in sub-baric frying temperature. The Apparent density values decreased with increase in the frying temperatures. The thermal conductivity of
Pantoa decreased as frying time and temperature increased from 0.354±0.015 W/mK to 0.169±0.020, 0.158±0.025 and 0.146±0.031 W/mK at 115, 125 and 135 ºC, respectively. The thermal diffusivity had an increasing trend up to 270 s of sub-baric frying at 135 and 125 ºC and reached higher value of 0.196±0.064 mm2/s and 0.186±0.067 mm2/s, respectively from the initial value of 0.105 mm2/s. The volumetric specific heat of
Pantoa was decreased as its function of sub-baric frying temperature and time.
Praveen Kumar YS, M Manjunatha Sharanabasava, Shivanand and G Mahesh Kumar. Effect on physico-thermal properties of Pantoa during sub-baric frying. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(1):1100-1106.