The present study was conducted in collaboration with Department of Agricultural Meteorology, OUAT and Central Research Farm, Bhubaneswar by undertaking a pot experiment in Open Top Chamber (OTC) to study yield and yield attributes of seven kharif rice cultivators to eCO
2 (476 ppm) during Kharif season, 2012. The experiment was explained by three yield components; panicle numbers/hill, filled grain numbers/panicle and 1000-grain weight under eCO
2 conditions. Yield in eCO
2 OTC was found to be more than open field by 2.08 ghill
-1 (14.5%) associated with increased number of filled grains/panicle (58.8%) and 3.1 ghill
-1 more dry matter production compared to open field. However, decreased panicle numbers/hill (40%) and increased grain chaffyness (147%) attributed towards smaller increase in yield undereCO
2thanopenfieldcondition.So,earlyandmediummaturitycultivarsproducedmoregrainyield than the late maturity cultivars and eCO
2 produced less grain yield than ambient CO
2 by 5.76 ghill
BP Rosalin, Surendranath Pasupalak and Anupama Baliarsingh. Effect of elevated carbon dioxide (eCO2) on yield and yield components of different rice cultivars in Odisha. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(1):1398-1400.