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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Vol. 7, Issue 1 (2018)

Livelihood security through pigeonpea based intercropping, effect on yield attributing characters and yield under rainfed condition


Devendra Kumar, UD Awasthi, SK Uttam, PN Yadav, RP Singh and Raj Kumar

A field experiment was conducted during two consecutive years of kharif 2015-16 and 2016-17 at Soil Conservation and Water Management Farm of the C. S. Azad University of Agriculture and Technology, Kanpur to find out the effect of cropping systems and moisture conservation practices on growth, yield and economics of crops under rainfed condition. The treatments comprised of 6 cropping systems i.e. (i) Sole pigeonpea at 60cm by regular sowing (ii) Sole pigeonpea paired 40/80 (iii) Sole sorghum at 45 cm by regular sowing (iv) Sole urdbean at 45 cm by regular sowing (v) Pigeonpea + sorghum - paired sowing. 40/80 and (vi) Pigeonpea + urdbean - paired sowing40/80 ; 3 moisture conservation practices i.e. (i) Contol (ii) Ridging and furrowing in between the crop rows after three weeks of sowing and (iii) Weeding and hoeing once at 35 DAS the crop rows were tested in Split plot design with 3 replications during the course of investigation envisages. Results obtained that the growth and yield of individual crop depressed in additive intercropping where depression was more in sorghum than blackgram. The yields of pigeonpea, sorghum and urdbean were highest in their sole stands. The yield of sole and intercropped sorghum and urdbean in terms of pigeonpea biological seed yield showed significant variation, whereas Pigeonpea + urdbean - (paired sowing 40/80) brought out significantly the highest production as compared to other cropping systems. The increase in seed yield due to Pigeonpea + urdbean paired treatment over conventional practice. The growth characters and yield attributes of three crops followed almost similar pattern of seed yield. Weeding and hoeing once at 35 DAS resulted in slightly delayed maturity of crops over control. The higher splash loss was observed under conventional practice over ridging and furrowing practice during both the years of experimentation.

Pages: 1729-1732  |  1142 Views  267 Downloads

Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
How to cite this article:
Devendra Kumar, UD Awasthi, SK Uttam, PN Yadav, RP Singh and Raj Kumar. Livelihood security through pigeonpea based intercropping, effect on yield attributing characters and yield under rainfed condition. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(1):1729-1732.

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