Seed storage protein of five French bean varieties viz. Sonali, Abhay, Falguni, Mandulal and Selection-9 were extracted from both harvest fresh and one year old seed stored in desiccator. SDS-PAGE of storage protein of all the varieties were analyzed critically and tried to study the variation in banding pattern due to storage. A total number of 32 bands with different R
m values were noticed for harvest fresh seeds of five varieties out of which a minimum of 10 bands were noticed for Selection-9, 11 for Sonali, 12 for Falguni, 14 for Abhay and 16 for Mandulal. Comparison of banding pattern between fresh and old seeds of individual varieties indicate a varying scenario: for Sonali, band number 4, 15, 18 and 28 were disappeared in old seeds and instead 3 different bands newly appeared with R
m values 0.18, 0.56 and 0.85; for Abhay 2 bands with R
m values 0.23 and 0.94 were disappeared from old seeds; for Falguni also 2 bands with different R
m values (0.65 and0.81) could not be identified in old seeds; for Mandulal, total 14 bands were noted for old seeds, of which 4 bands from fresh seed (R
m values 0.43, 0.48, 0.65 and 0.82) disappeared in old seeds and additionally 2 bands with R
m values 0.66 and 0.81 newly appeared in old seeds, and it is interesting to note that band numbers remain same in both fresh and old seeds of Selection-9 with a very minute change in width of band number 8 (R
m value 0.34). Therefore band number, their position, thickness as well as disappearance/ new appearance clearly help in identification of those five varieties under consideration.