Primarily, Indian Horse Chestnut Seed Extract (HCSE) was used only pharmacologically for human purposes. It has an anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-cancer, antiviral and anti-diarrheal activity. But now days, it gain nutritional importance rapidly. The seeds varying nutritionally in raw fresh flour and processed flour (
tatwakhar) form after processing. The estimated total sugars (% glucose) of fresh and processed flour were 20.23 and 13.47, respectively. Starch (%) was 27.83 and 66.47 content in fresh and processed flour correspondingly. The mineral contents of fresh flour
viz. calcium (8.20), phosphorus (19.00), potassium (81.00), copper (0.60), manganese (0.50), iron (8.50) and zinc (705.90) (mg/100g) were determined. Phytochemicals present in the seeds, such as total phenols, tannins and flavonoids values were followed as 785.25, 747.43 and 47.00 (mg GAE/g).