Background: Keshar is very well known plant used since time immemorial in traditional systems of medicine all over the world. When it is related to the authenticity of the samples available in market whether they are genuine or not every person doubtful regarding reliability of the available market samples. To check out this issue we have collected three samples of very well-known brands namely sample 1 from Government shop of Lucknow, sample-2 of Natural brand and sample-3 of baby
Keshar brand.
Aim: To check the authenticity of three market samples of
keshar for checking its genuineness. There is rapid adulteration in the
Keshar due to the high coast for money business hence assessment of correct sample for the use of medicinal purpose is necessary.
Material and Method: for the convenience we have named these samples as K1, K2, K3. We have followed the standard parameters mentioned in Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia of India Part I, Vol-4 for authenticating all the three samples of
Keshar like microscopic study, color test by using various chemicals, HPTLC and UV Spectrophotometry analysis.
Result: Test samples K1, K2, K3 all found genuine on the parameters of Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia of India as well as by testing with the HPTLC and UV Spectrophotometry.
Shilpa Patil, Ashutosh Pandey, Jasmit Singh and Anand K Chaudhary. Evaluation of market brands of Keshar for its authenticity by pharmacopoeial standards. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(1):2248-2251.