A field experiment was conducted at Horticultural Research Centre, Chauras Campus, Department of Horticulture, H.N.B Garhwal University, Srinagar Garhwal, Uttarakhand, during Rabi season of 2016-17 to study the growth, yield and quality traits of knol-khol cv. White Vienna
influenced by various organic, inorganic, bio-fertilizer and their combinations. The experiment was carried out in randomized block design with three replications. The application of 100% RDF +
Azosprillum resulted the maximum and significant effects on different horticultural traits
viz., days taken to first knob initiation, days taken to first knob harvest, length of knob, average weight of the knob and yield per plot as compared to control. Similarly 100% RDF +
Azotobacter gives the highest plant height at harvest and diameter of knob over control. In the quality parameters the 100% RDF + Neem cake showed the maximum total soluble solid over the other treatments, while the maximum vitamin-C was recorded in the treatment
Azospirilium +
Azotobacter compared to
control. The results showed that the combined use of organic, inorganic manures and bio-fertilizer significantly effective on growth, yield and quality characters in knol-khol production.
Manish Kumar, Vivek Singh, DK Rana and KN Shah. Effect of integrated nutrient management on various horticultural traits of knol-khol (Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes) cv. White Vienna under Garhwal Hills. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(1):2285-2288.