Four antagonists
viz; Trichoderma vridii (TV-S1)
T. harginum (TH-S2)
, Baccillus subtillis (BST-S1)
Pseudomonas fleuroscence (PSF-S2) were tested against
Fusarium udum. Among the antagonists
PSF-S2 was found most effective with highest mycelial inhibition (77.21%) of the test pathogen followed by BST-S1 with 73.48% and TH-S2 with 66.60% inhibition and the lowest inhibition was found with TV-S1
with mycelial inhibition of 65.95 per cent. Thus, all the fungal and bacterial bioagents tested were found fungistatic against
F. udum and significantly inhibited its mycelial growth over untreated control. However, fungal and bacterial bioagents isolates found most effective in the order of merit were PSF-S2, BST-S1, TH-S2, and TV-S2.The sporulation was very good in control and PSF-S2 and TH-S2 shows good sporulation where as TV-S1 and BST-S1 shows very low sporulation. Seven agrochemicals were tested against the pigeonpea wilt pathogen under
in vitro. The evaluation of the best fungicides was done on the basis of the inhibition of the growth of the fungus by the agar plate method after 7 days. Different agrochemicals tested in laboratory, Carboxin was highly inhibited the growth of fungus (97.61%) followed by Copper oxychloride, Hexaconazole, Chlorothalonil and Metalaxyl (84.27, 81.52, 80.80 and 75.98%, respectively). Whereas the least inhibition (62.12%) was observed in Maneb mixed agar medium followed by Benomyle (69.36%). The Carboxin, Copper oxychloride, Metalaxyl, Hexaconazole and Chlorothalonil were recorded low sporulation. The good sporulation was recorded with Maneb and Benomyle.