Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Issue 1 (2018)
Standardisation of Lashuna taila: An Ayurvedic oil based medicine
Belaguli Govardhan, Adiga Manjunatha and Shetty Suhas Kumar
Herbalism or phytomedicine is a trending branch of science. Ayurveda and herbal formulations play an important role in world medical science. Due to their safety, low cost, easy availability they are opted as alternate for modern medicines. The quality, safety and efficacy are the commonest issues raised by the common people and experts in medical field. Standardisation and validation are the only scientific way to answer those issues. One such attempt in standardising an Ayurveda medicated oil formulation quoted in classical texts and deriving the standard parameters is done through this study. The study found to be promising in the evolution of a standardized drug with rich in antioxidants and unsaturated fatty acids.
Pages: 2833-2838 | 3053 Views 1517 Downloads
Belaguli Govardhan, Adiga Manjunatha and Shetty Suhas Kumar. Standardisation of Lashuna taila: An Ayurvedic oil based medicine. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(1):2833-2838.