Conservation management approaches focusing on minimizing soil disturbance maximizing soil cover, and stimulating biological activity can be achieved with different cropping choices and production goals in different environments all around the Indo-Gangetic Plains, India. Average SOC concentration of the control treatment was 0.54%, which increased to 0.65% in the RDF treatment and 0.82% in the RDF+FYM treatment and increased enzyme activities, which potentially influence soil nutrients dynamics under field condition. Compared to F
1 (first time, u need to indicate treatment details, otherwise, F1-ns not understood) control treatment the RDF+FYM treatment sequestered 0.28 Mg C ha
-1 yr
-1 whereas the NPK treatment sequestered 0.13 Mg C ha
-1 yr
-1. As tillage intensity increased there was a redistribution of SOC in the profile, but it occurred only between ZT and PRB since under CT, SOC stock decreased even below the plow layer. Average SOC concentration of the control treatment was 0.54%, which increased to 0.65% in the RDF treatment and 0.82% in the RDF+FYM treatment. Compared to F
1 control treatment the RDF+FYM treatment sequestered 0.33 Mg C ha
-1 yr
1 whereas the NPK treatment sequestered 0.16 Mg C ha
-1 yr
-1. The atmospheric carbon reservoir is significantly affected by change in lithogenic carbon reservoir (????) we did not do this, as we did not have data??). Carbon reservoir of soil is strongly influenced by the interaction between different biogeochemical cycles and environmental processes. At the local scale land use and soil management have also a significant impact on the soil carbon pool. Soil carbon is the major determinant of soil quality and agronomic viability because of its influence on other soil features. Soil carbon separation includes physical and chemical methods and their combinations in a sequence. These are not based on review or data presented in the paper.
RK Naresh, RK Gupta, AK Shukla and SS Tomar. Enhancing carbon sequestration potential and nutrient release dynamics under conservation agriculture in the Indo-Gangetic Plains, India: A review. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(2):326-346.