Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Issue 2 (2018)
A Study on occurrence of menopause along with physical and psychological changes among middle adulthood women of eastern Uttar Pradesh
Meenu Sirohi and Kalpana Gupta
The overall health and well-being of middle
-aged women should become a major public health concern around the world. Various types of health related problems affect only women not men in their lives. The reason behind such health problems is poor nutrition along with the cessation of estrogen hormone which protects her from various physical and psychological changes along with other risk factors. But after menopause their vulnerability to various physiological and psychological changes like poor memory, insomnia, poor sight etc. increases. Most of the women experience physical or psychological changes in their lives when they approach to menopause, with various discomforts and disturbances in their lives, leading to a decrease in the quality of their lives. The aim of this study is to assess the age of menopause along with various physical and psychological changes among middle age menopausal women of urban area of Uttar Pradesh.
Pages: 541-542 | 1542 Views 348 Downloads
Meenu Sirohi and Kalpana Gupta. A Study on occurrence of menopause along with physical and psychological changes among middle adulthood women of eastern Uttar Pradesh. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(2):541-542.