A field experiment entitled ‟Natural regeneration studies of
Dhav forests (
Anogeissus pendula Edgew.) in Jhalawar forest division†was undertaken during the year 2016-17 in selected natural pure
Anogeissus pendula stands under different sites viz. Bagher (S
1), Rata Devi (S
2), Mishroli (S
3) and Ghatoli (S
Anogeissus pendula has multiple uses as its timber is very hard, tough, strong, and durable which is equivalent to teak in terms of transverse strength and does not decay and discolor. Its timber has a great potential value; leaves are considered to be an excellent fodder. The tree yields the
Ghatti or Indian Gum is edible in nature, has medicinal value and generally used as fuel or for making charcoal. Pattern of natural regeneration follows Rata Devi (S
2) > Bagher (S
1) > Ghatoli (S
4) > Mishroli (S
ie., very low recruits/per hectare found in low dense, matured stand at S
3 where as Bagher (S
1) and Rata Devi (S
2) shows higher recruits per hectare. However, the same Bagher (S
1) fail to convert its recruits into un-established and established individuals due to posed threat of uncontrolled grazing and poor soil depth. Reported good regeneration success percent at Ghatoli (S
4) was attributed to higher un-established individuals, protection and topographical features than other sites relatively.
Manish Kumar, VC Prahlad, RK Kumar and Bupendra Singh. Natural regeneration status of Dhav forests (Anogeissus pendula Edgew.) in Jhalawar forest division. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(2):585-588.