Reena Devi, Charul Chaudhary, Veena Jain, AK Saxena and Shilpa Chawla
Certain anti-nutritional factors (ANFs) interact with proteins and form insoluble complexes hence, decreases bioavailability of proteins. Twenty four different hybrid varieties of pigeon pea [
Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.] were analysed for reduction in ANFs on different soaking treatments. Soaking in distilled water and different salt solutions
viz. 1% NaHCO
3, mixed salt solutions (MSS) (1.5% NaHCO
3+0.5% Na
3+0.75% citric acid) led to a significant (P<0.05) reduction in total phenols, ortho-dihydroxyphenols, tannins and phytates. Phenols and tannins are water soluble and present in seed coat hence, a large reduction observed after simple soaking in distilled water i.e 33.07% and 40.9% respectively. Soaking in distilled water, 1% NaHCO
3 and MSS reduced ortho-dihydroxyphenols by 17.39%, 34.78% and 47.83% whereas phytate by 14.9%, 18.3%, and 21% respectively. Amongst various methods studied, soaking in MSS found to be the most effective in reducing levels of ANFs in pigeon pea hybrids.
Reena Devi, Charul Chaudhary, Veena Jain, AK Saxena and Shilpa Chawla. Effect of soaking on anti-nutritional factors in the sun-dried seeds of hybrid pigeon pea to enhance their nutrients bioavailability. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(2):675-680.