A study was conducted at Department of Soil Science and Agricultural chemistry, University of Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences, Shivamogga during 2015-16 to know the effect of organic and conventional farming practices on soil NPK fractions of arecanut growing gardens of Shivamogga district. Three locations from each taluk were selected for the study. From each location organic and inorganic arecanut gardens were selected for investigation. Representative soil samples were collected from 0-20 cm depth from organic and inorganic arecanut farms, processed soil samples were used to analysis of different fractions of NPK by standard methods. The results of the study indicated that inorganic N fractions such as NH
4+-N and NO
3-N as well as organic fractions
viz., hydrolysable ammonical-N, hexomine-N, amino acid-N,
unidentified hydrolysable nitrogen
, total hydrolysable –N and total N recorded higher in organically managed arecanut gardens. Among them amino acid N was dominant fraction contributing to total N. Among phosphorous fractions Al-P, Fe-P, S-P, Occl-P, Ca-P, Red-P, Organic P and total P were found higher in organic farming arecanut gardens over soils of conventional gardens. Among the fractions studied Al-P and Fe-P was the major contributor to total P in both the farming. The soils under organic farming arecanut gardens recorded higher K fractions than under conventional farming. Higher water soluble K, exchangeable K and lattice K with mean value of 7.48 mgkg
-1,108.85 mg kg
-1 and 2223.52 mg kg
-1 recorded in soils of organic farming arecanut gardens over conventionally managed arecanut farms, but non exchangeable soil K content was found higher with mean value of 122.85 mg kg
-1 in arecanut gardens managed inorganically.
Bharath Patil, Ganapathi and KS Niranjana. Soil NPK Fractions in organic and conventionally managed arecanut gardens of Shivamogga district, Karnataka, India. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(2):959-964.