A field experiment was conducted in pot-culture of Department of Soil Science and Agril. Chemistry, CSAUA&T, Kanpur (U.P.), during Rabi season 2016-17 to study the Effect of zinc and sulphur on yield, nutrient uptake and quality characteristics of mustard cv. Varuna. The 7 treatments consisted of T1: Control, T2: 100% RDF (80:60:40) + S 40 Kg, T3: 100% RDF+Zn 5kg, T
4: 100% RDF+Zn 5kg+S 40kg, T
5:100% RDF + FYM5 ton + Zn 5kg, T
6: 100% RDF + FYM 5 ton + S40kg T
7: 100% RDF + FYM 5 ton + Zn 5 kg + S 40kg. The content of all nutrients increased with integration of FYM, in comparison to control. It was observed that the plant height, No. of primary branches, No. of secondary branches, number of siliqua plant
-1, number of seed siliqua
-1, and test weight (gm) increased with integration of FYM. The maximum plant hight (cm) No. of Primary branches, No. of secondary branches No. of siliqua/plant No. of seed/siliqua and test weight (gm) treatment combination were recorded on T
7 100% RDF +5 ton FYM+ S 40 kg+Zn 5 kg (156.5, 6.25, 13.75, 267.25, 14.75 and 4.70) followed by T
6: 100% RDF + FYM 5 ton + S40kg (154.25, 5.50, 13.50, 262.25, 14.00 and 4.59) and T
5:100% RDF + FYM5 ton + Zn 5kg, (151.25, 5.47, 12.75, 258.50, 13.50 and 4.46) respectively. The maximum seed and stover yields increased with integration of Farm Yard Manure i.e. T
7 100% RDF +5 ton FYM + Zn 5 kg + S 40 kg 21.21 q ha
-1 and 47.87q ha
-1, Followed by T
6: 100% RDF + FYM 5 ton + S40kg (18.91 and 43.67 q ha
-1) and T
5:100% RDF + FYM5 ton + Zn 5kg, (18.51 and 42.51 q ha
-1) respectively computed 57.22% and 36.12 % higher than control. The maximum economic benefits of gross realization, net realization along with highest BCR of 2.60:1.