Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Issue 2 (2018)
Pharamcognostical and Phytochemical evaluation of three different species of citrus fruit Nimbuka, Mahalunga & Jambira (Citrus aurantifolia Linn., Citrus medica Linn., Citrus jambiri Linn.)
Dr. Piyush K Gandhi and Dr. Yogini Kulkarni
Amla Varga is collection of herb with sour taste which is used frequently for the different processes like trituration, Shodhana, Jarana while preparing medicines from different herbal and mineral raw materials. Mahalung (
Citrus medica Linn),
Jambira (
Citrus Jambiri Linn) and Nimuka (
Citrus aurantifolia Linn.) –different citrus fruits were commonly used herbs from the amla varga.
Nimbuka was later added in amla varga after 8th century in the Nighantu and Rasa literature due to easy availability, large scale production with maximum yield of juice.
All citrus fruits present the same anatomical structures with variation in size and weight. Even though less is size and weight, Citrus aurantifolia has more percentage of juice yields than medica and jambiri. Nimbuka fruit juice was more acidic may be due to more percentage of citric acid content. Maximum total solid content of Medica may be due to presence of non acidic substances like ions which makes it less acidic. Jambira fruit juice has more percentage of ascorbic acid than other two citrus fruits.
Pages: 1192-1196 | 1736 Views 569 Downloads
Dr. Piyush K Gandhi and Dr. Yogini Kulkarni. Pharamcognostical and Phytochemical evaluation of three different species of citrus fruit Nimbuka, Mahalunga & Jambira (Citrus aurantifolia Linn., Citrus medica Linn., Citrus jambiri Linn.). J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(2):1192-1196.