A field experiment was conducted to study the effect of seed rates and nitrogen level on green forage yield and fodder quality of sweet sorghum during
rabi 2016 at ZARS, V. C. Farm Mandya. The soil was sandy loam in structure and medium in available N, P and K. The experiment consisted of three seed rates (50, 40 and 30 kg ha
-1) and three levels of nitrogen (75 RDN, 100 RDN and 125% RDN) laid out in factorial randomised complete block design with three replications. Seed rate of 40 kg ha
-1 recorded significantly higher green fodder yield (42.82 t ha
-1), dry matter yield (6.18 t ha
-1), crude protein yield (0.54 t ha
-1) and crude fiber yield (1.90 t ha
-1). Among nitrogen levels, application of 125% RDN ha
-1 recorded significantly higher green fodder yield (45.85 t ha
-1), dry matter yield (6.64 t ha
-1), crude protein yield (0.63 t ha
-1) and crude fibre yield (1.91 t ha
-1). Hence, application of 125% of RDN enhances green forage yield and fodder quality of sweet sorghum.
Abdulgani Nabooji, Keshavaiah KV, Shirgapure KH and Shekara BG. Effect of seed rates and nitrogen levels on growth and fodder yield of sweet sorghum. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(2):1391-1394.