Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Issue 2 (2018)
To analyse the agri-business management behaviour of onion growers
Krishn Kumar Verma, Aradhana Varma, Dr. Kamlesh Ahirwar and Uttam Kumar Tripathi
Onion being a major vegetable crop of region is grown both during Kharif & Rabi Season with an area of 6863 ha. and productivity-206.42q/ha. In spite of lot of efforts have been taken by extension agencies and scientists to materialize the potential of onion the profitability of onion was found to be stagnate lover a period of time due to traditional way of cultivation, dominance of old varieties, lack of supporting facilities like storage and wide fluctuation in market price of onion which reduce economic gain of the farmer from onion cultivations. The important appeared were arranged in descending order as provision of fix rate/support price based on production test by government (58.33), provide community godawn or public godawn on rental basis (55.83), procurement of onion by the government (52.50) subsidy on construction of onion storage structure (45.83), subsidy on inputs like fertilizers pesticide and other inputs (42.30) extend crop insurance scheme to onion (40.00).
Pages: 1456-1459 | 1210 Views 268 Downloads
Krishn Kumar Verma, Aradhana Varma, Dr. Kamlesh Ahirwar and Uttam Kumar Tripathi. To analyse the agri-business management behaviour of onion growers. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(2):1456-1459.