Field investigations were conducted during
kharif 2016-17 and 2017-18 at the experimental field of Research cum Instructional Farm, Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur, Chhattisgarh to the screening of Screening of twenty five pigeonpea germplasm against the pod borer complex viz.
M., vitrata, H. armigera, Exelastis atomosa and
M. obtusa,under field conditions in which recorded lowest larval population
in ICP 7398 with 3.73, 3.38, 4.05 and 2.57 larvae per plant, respectively, but it was highest in RP3 with 9.93, 6.69 and 6.84 larvae per plant of
M. vitrata, H. armigera and M. obtusa respectively, whereas in case of
E. atomosa it was highest in RP8 with 8.14 larvae per plant. However, overall in pod borer complex minimum pod damage and minimum grain damage of borer complex was found in ICP 7398 with 18.73 percent and 10.25 percent, respectively and also highest yield was obtained in ICP 7398 during both years with 12.23 and 13.65q/ ha. But the germplasm RP3 recorded highest percent pod damage with 36.26 percent, highest percent grain damage of 26.72 percent and also lowest grain yield was obtained in both years with 2.50 and 1.59q/ ha.
Shimla Gupta, Navneet Rana and Jaikishan Bhagat. Screening of pigeonpea germplasms against the pod borer complex over a period of two years under field conditions. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(2):2402-2405.